Invitation From MTL Foundation

  • This is a very good and elegant language system for Taiwanese language. You can learn more of it from
  • The Taiwanese materials created/edited by WDCTS are all based on this language system. It can help you or your child(ren) say correct Taiwanese.

What is Taiwanese?

Taiwanese is:

  • spoken by about 70% of the population of Taiwan (15 million native speakers).
  • a vernacular but can be written in orthographies such as the popular Pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ) as well as Modern Literal Taiwanese (MLT) which is also known as Modern Taiwanese Language (MTL).

Modern Taiwanese Language (MTL) was created by Dr. Liim Keahioong, a former professor at Cheng-Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan; Dr. Liim had practiced MTL for more than 60 years (1943 – 2012). MTL adopts the letters of the English alphabet plus two special characters: ν (GREEK SMALL LETTER NU) and an ‘o’ superimposed with a back slash ‘\’ (similar to Q).